
Rolling Hills Elementary PTA Calendar 2023-2024


8/3  Popsicles in the Park 

8/5 Bobcat Bash Ben Murin

8/8 Meet the Teacher 5:30-6:30pm

8/13 1st Day of School/Hospitality Lunch

8/16 New Bobcat Breakfast Orientation

8/22 Grade Level Orientation



9/6 Book fair Preview

9/6 Cookie Friday

9/9-13  Book Fair

9/9 Grandparents Day lunch

9/12 General Membership meeting/Book Fair/Reflections Night 6pm

9/20 Bobcat Heroes/Coffee with Principal

9/23-27 Free Dress Week (5th grade)

9/24 Fall Pictures

9/27 Cookie Friday



10/1 PoP Fundraiser Kick Off Party

10/4 Cookie Friday

10/10 General PTA meeting/Gun Safety Training 6pm

10/11 Cookie Friday

10/28-11/1  Red Ribbon Week

10/31  Hospitality Halloween Treat Cart for Teachers



11/1 Cookie Friday

11/8 Cookie Friday

11/11 Veterans Day Bobcat Heroes Breakfast

11/13 Pizza with the Principal 5:30-6:30 Ben Murin

11/14 General Membership Meeting 6pm

11/15 Cookie Friday

11/22 Staff Hospitality Luncheon




12/2 Hallway Decorating

12/6 Cookie Friday 

12/10 – Holiday in the Hills

12/13 Cookie Friday

12/19 Winter Parties

12/20 Staff Hospitality Breakfast



1/10 Cookie Friday

1/16 Music Program

1/17 Cookie Friday 

1/24 Cookie Friday

1/31 Bobcat Heroes Breakfast/Coffee with the Principal



2/6 General Membership Meeting 6pm/Kids Heart Challenge Presentation

2/7  Cookie Friday

2/7 Hospitality Souper Bowl

2/13 STEM Night

2/14 Valentines Parties 1pm

2/28 Cookie Friday



3/6 Open House 5-6:30pm

3/6 Neon Dance 6-8pm

3/7  Cookie Friday

3/14 Day of Awesomeness

3/17-21 Spring Break

3/27 Pizza with the Principal Ben Day Murin 5:30-7:30 pm

3/28 Cookie Friday



4/3 General PTA Meeting 6pm

4/4 Cookie Friday

4/11 Cookie Friday

4/24 Volunteer Luncheon

4/25 Cookie Friday



5/2 Cookie Friday

5/2 Career Day

5/5-9 Staff Appreciation

5/9 5th Grade Field Trip

5/12 Bagels with Bobcats

5/15 General PTA Meeting/Swim Safety Training 6pm

5/16 Field Day

5/20 PK Awards

5/21 Kindergarten Promotion

5/22 5th Grade Promotion